Custom Wooden Boats

Quality Parts

We use Pocock Racing Shell parts, Seahorse Downriggers, and materials from Fiberglass Supply.

Innovative Rigging

We convert classic rowing boats with our innovative custom riggers to replace the Piantedosi rowing unit.

Craftsmanship & Quality Wood

Conrad Boatworks uses the finest quality marine grade plywood, oak, and mahogany from Edensaw Woods.

Nor’easter Dory

Our adaptation of the Chesapeake Light Craft Nor’easter Dory was inspired by Winslow Homer’s “Fog Warning”.

The Conrad Boatworks Dory has integrated rigging that gives you the confidence to take on the big waters of Cape Flattery, and the storage space to be the gear sherpa for multi-day expedition in the San Juan Islands.

It can also outfitted to use a Seahorse downrigger and rod holder to fish for halibut and salmon in old school style with modern equipment.

Expedition Wherry

Our adaptation of the Chesapeake Light Craft Expedition Wherry uses Pocock Racing Shell parts to replace the Piantedosi drop-in unit. The Pocock Racing Shell oarlock mounts and carbon fiber seat create a solid and smoother rigging system for your rowing enjoyment.

We also designed storage compartments for added buoyance and travel capacity. Stow your camping gear in the bow, your essentials below your seat, and carry water the stern.

Our oak riggers are both sturdy and beautiful while our oak keel is rugged enough for beach landings and launchings.


Careful, kayaks are the gateway boat to your wooden boat fleet. We would love to build you a CLC Shearwater 16 kayak, or any of the many CLC kayak options.

Our kayak versions include a Kevlar keel protection strip covered with a graphite and epoxy scratch resistant coating.

All kayaks come with our wildly fun and versatile Waffner handline for all your kayak fishing dreams.


Coming soon

We are currently building a fleet of wooden rowing shells for test rows and touring adventures. Let us know if you have a boat in mind and how you would like it customized.

  • Chesapeake Light Craft Annapolis Wherry Tandem (2x)
  • Ruud van Veelen’s SAVO 650D (2x)
  • Iain Oughtred’s Snipefish (1x)